Thomas Joseph Crossword Puzzle for Today (April 27)

Thomas Joseph Crossword

We are here to help with the Thomas Joseph Crossword! We’ve got the answers for today’s puzzles. Doing crosswords is a great way to keep your brain active and healthy.

Crossword puzzles and other games like them are fun and fascinating. They make you think and concentrate to figure out the clues. Some crosswords are easy, but others can be really hard.

Come check out our page to see the latest Thomas Joseph Crossword puzzles. They are designed to be solved quickly and easily. So, if you enjoy a good challenge or just want to keep your mind sharp, give them a try!

Houseboat star


Sophia Loren starred in the 1958 movie “Houseboat” alongside Cary Grant. The clue references the film by identifying “LOREN” as a key figure (star) associated with it.

Army bigwig


A “GENERAL” is a senior rank in many armies around the world. The term “bigwig” is slang for someone of high rank or importance, making “GENERAL” the appropriate answer for this straightforward clue about military hierarchy.

Athens rival


Sparta was a prominent city-state in ancient Greece and a well-known rival to Athens, particularly famous for its military prowess and contrasting governance styles. Thomas Joseph Crossword. This clue directly refers to that historical rivalry.



In geographical terms, an inlet is a narrow body of water between islands or leading inland from a larger body of water, often resembling a small bay. “Bays” in the clue suggests small coastal bodies of water, which is a description that fits “INLETS” perfectly.



The term “avian” directly relates to birds. It is an adjective used to describe things that pertain to birds, making it the straightforward answer to this clue.

Charity dos


“Galas” are events often organized for a cause, including charity. These events are typically large, formal, and involve fundraising, fittingly described as “charity dos” (informal British term for events or parties).



The word “total” means the whole amount, the entirety, or complete. This clue uses a direct definition, as “total” can be synonymously used to signify complete.

Derisive sounds


“Snorts” are sounds often made in derision or contempt, typically expressed through a sharp, snide sound made by exhaling forcefully through the nose. This answer fits directly as the sounds described by the clue.

Diamond club


This clue cleverly uses a wordplay on “diamond,” which in this context refers to a baseball diamond, a term for the field. A “bat” is a piece of sports equipment used in baseball, often referred to as a “club” in slang terms. Thus, “bat” is the club used on the baseball diamond.

Direction suffix


“ERN” is a common suffix used to denote direction, commonly seen in words like “northern,” “southern,” “eastern,” and “western.” The clue provides a straightforward component of words indicating directions.

Discussion group


A seminar is typically a form of academic instruction, Thomas Joseph Crossword, either at an academic institution or offered by a commercial or professional organization. It has a focus on specific subjects where particular topics are discussed in depth by a group of people. Thus, the word “seminar” directly answers the description of a “discussion group.”



To “elude” means to evade or escape from, typically in a skillful or cunning way. This definition directly corresponds to the meaning of “dodge,” which involves avoiding something in a deft manner. The clue provides a direct synonym as the answer.

Europe’s longest river


The Volga River is indeed the longest river in Europe, flowing through central Russia into the Caspian Sea. This clue is a straightforward geographical fact, making “VOLGA” the correct answer.



“Fellows” can be simply defined as men or males in general, making the word “men” a direct and fitting answer for the clue.



“Fresh” in this context refers to someone who is bold, lively, full of spirit, or cheeky. “Sassy” perfectly captures this attitude, referring to someone possessing an impudent or cheeky nature. Thus, it serves as a fitting synonym and answer to the clue.

Glider wood


Balsa wood is a very lightweight and soft wood, which makes it ideal for making models, including model gliders. Its light weight allows for easy flight, which is why it’s commonly used in this hobby. The clue specifically targets this use of balsa wood, making it the direct answer.

Glues down


The verb “cements” directly refers to the action of binding or adhering things together, similar to how glue functions. The term “cement” as a noun is a binder, a substance used for construction that sets and hardens and can bind other materials together. When used as a verb, Thomas Joseph Crossword, it metaphorically means to fix or secure something in place, similar to “gluing down.” Hence, “cements” is the appropriate answer.

Hams it up


To “ham it up” means to overact or be overly dramatic in performance. “Emotes” similarly refers to displaying emotions in an expressive and theatrical manner. Both phrases suggest exaggerated expression, making “emotes” a fitting answer.

Hearty quaff


“Quaff” refers to the act of drinking (especially an alcoholic drink) heartily. “Ale” is a type of beer, often associated with robust flavors and traditional brewing methods, making it a suitable candidate for a “hearty quaff.” This clue provides a straightforward description of drinking ale heartily.

Heavens supporter


In mythology, Atlas is a Titan condemned to hold up the sky for eternity, thus supporting the heavens. This metaphorical and literal interpretation of “heavens supporter” points directly to the mythological figure, making “Atlas” the correct answer.



“Latent” describes something that is present but not visible, apparent, or actualized, essentially hidden. It is often used in contexts like “latent abilities” or “latent conditions,” indicating qualities or conditions that exist but are not yet manifest. This makes “latent” a direct synonym and the perfect answer for “hidden.”



“Hoopla” refers to bustling activity or excitement, often involving noise and confusion. Similarly, “ado” means trouble, fuss, or commotion, typically about something that is considered trivial. “Much ado about nothing” is a common phrase using this word, indicating a lot of fuss. Thus, “ado” aptly describes “hoopla” and serves as an excellent answer.

Hosp. sections


“ERS” stands for Emergency Rooms, which are critical sections of hospitals dedicated to providing immediate care for acute and urgent illnesses and injuries. The clue abbreviates “hospitals” as “Hosp.” and “sections” points to parts or divisions within the hospital, leading to the answer “ERS.”



The word “silent” is a straightforward synonym for “hushed,” both indicating quietness or the absence of sound. This clue offers a direct definition, Thomas Joseph Crossword, using the adjective “silent” to describe a state or condition of being hushed.



An inlet is a small body of water leading into the land from a larger body of water, often smaller than a bay. A “cove” is a specific type of inlet, characterized by being a small, sheltered bay. This makes “cove” a direct and suitable answer for the description provided by “inlet.”

Innocent ones


“Babes” is often used colloquially to refer to infants or young children, who are typically considered innocent due to their young age and lack of exposure to worldly matters. Thus, “babes” effectively matches the clue referring to innocent ones.

Jargon suffix


The suffix “-ese” is commonly added to words to denote a language or manner of speaking that pertains to a particular group, country, or district, such as “Chinese” or “legalese.” This suffix indicates a style or jargon associated with a specific subject, making “ESE” the appropriate answer.



The term “edge” can denote sharpness or a keen quality, especially in the context of competitive advantage or mental sharpness. It metaphorically suggests having an advantage or a higher level of alertness and capability, fitting well with the clue that asks for a term synonymous with “keenness.”

Kitchen come-on


The word “aroma” refers to a pleasant and usually enticing smell, often emanating from food or cooking. In the context of a kitchen, the aroma can serve as an alluring come-on, drawing people towards the source of the smell. Hence, “AROMA” is the appropriate response to the clue.

Lady of Spain


“Señora” is the Spanish term for “Mrs.” or a respectful form of address for a woman. It directly translates to “lady” in English, making it the perfect match for the clue referring to a “Lady of Spain.”

Lowly worker


An ant is often used metaphorically to represent a hardworking but lowly or small individual, especially in the context of labor. This fits well with the clue “Lowly worker,” where an ant epitomizes diligence and modest status.

Mario Puzo book


“Omerta” is a novel by Mario Puzo, famed for his works on the Mafia and criminal underworld. The book’s title refers to the Mafia code of silence, aligning perfectly with the clue which mentions the author by name.



To “adapt” means to adjust or modify oneself or something to suit new conditions. This synonym for “modify” aligns precisely with the action described by the clue.



“Recent” is a direct synonym for “new,” referring to something that has happened or been made not long ago. This directly corresponds with the clue’s request for a word meaning “new.”

News item


An “event” is a happening or occurrence that often becomes a news item when reported in the media. This makes “EVENT” an apt answer as it directly relates to occurrences that are typically newsworthy.

Opposing vote


In voting terminology, “nay” is used to indicate a vote against a proposal, directly opposing it. It is a traditional term used in formal votes, perfectly matching the clue’s reference to an opposing vote.

Ornate style


Rococo is a highly ornate and decorative art and architecture style that developed in early 18th-century France. It is characterized by intricate detailing and elegance, making it the precise answer to the clue regarding an “ornate style.”



An overture in music is an introductory piece, leading into something more extensive, such as an opera. Similarly, “intros” are introductions or preliminary parts, making “INTROS” a suitable answer for a synonym of “overtures.”

Pitcher’s stat


ERA stands for Earned Run Average, a statistic used in baseball to measure a pitcher’s effectiveness by calculating the average number of earned runs a pitcher allows per nine innings pitched. It’s a common stat referenced when assessing pitchers, Thomas Joseph Crossword, making “ERA” the direct answer to the clue about a pitcher’s statistic.

Poll goer


A “poll goer” is simply someone who goes to a poll to vote. Therefore, “VOTER” is the straightforward answer, directly describing a person who participates in voting at a poll.

Print units


“Ems” are units of measurement used particularly in typesetting to determine the width of a line of type. One em is typically as wide as the point size of the type being used. It’s a technical term from the printing industry, fitting perfectly as the answer to a clue about print units.

Printer’s dot


In typesetting and graphic design, a “bullet” is a typographical symbol or glyph used to introduce items in a list. Although not a dot in the literal sense, it functions as a marker in printed material, similar to a dot’s use in highlighting or separating elements. This makes “BULLET” an appropriate answer, albeit slightly less straightforward, relating to the elements used in printing layouts.

Quail groups


A “bevy” is a term used to describe a group of birds, particularly quails. It is specifically used for certain animals or birds in collective nouns, making “BEVIES” the precise answer for a clue indicating groups of quail.

Slugger Pete


Pete Alonso is a professional baseball player known for his powerful hitting, making him a “slugger.” He plays in Major League Baseball for the New York Mets and has gained fame for his home run hitting abilities, hence why he’s referred to as “Slugger Pete Alonso.”

Steakhouse patron


A “steakhouse patron” is typically someone who enjoys eating steaks, which are meat-based dishes. Therefore, the term “MEATLOVER” perfectly describes a steakhouse patron, as it conveys the idea of someone who loves eating meat, particularly the type served in steakhouses.

Takes ten


The phrase “takes ten” is colloquial for taking a short break, often about ten minutes. “RESTS” is a direct synonym for taking a break or pausing activity, which aligns with the idea of “taking ten” as a way to briefly stop working or being active.



“Toper” is a somewhat archaic term for a habitual drinker, especially one who indulges in alcohol excessively. “SOT” is a synonym for a habitual or chronic drinker, Thomas Joseph Crossword, accurately describing a toper.

Upholstery protector


A “SEATCOVER” is a cover placed over the seat of a vehicle or chair to protect the upholstery underneath from damage, wear, or stains. It directly answers the clue as a protective item specifically designed for upholstery.

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