A crossword puzzle is a game where you fill in boxes with letters to make words. You get clues to help you figure out the words. The Mirror Quick Crossword is a famous one from the Mirror newspaper. It’s short and simple, meant for everyone to have fun solving it easily.
String sound (5)
Answer: TWANG
String” hints at something related to strings, like those found on a guitar or a violin. “Sound” suggests the noise or vibration produced by these strings when they are plucked or strummed. The answer, “TWANG,” perfectly fits as it describes the sharp, resonant sound made by vibrating strings.
Confound (5)
Answer: SHAME
“Confound” implies a state of confusion or perplexity, where something is difficult to understand or untangle. In this context, “SHAME” might represent a situation where someone feels embarrassed or humiliated, which can indeed be confounding as it involves complex emotions and social dynamics.
Equipment (3)
Answer: BAG
This clue simply indicates an item or tool used for a particular purpose. The answer “BAG” fits well as it refers to a common piece of equipment used for carrying various items. From backpacks to handbags, a “BAG” serves the purpose of holding belongings.
Helicopter blade (5)
Answer: ROTOR
Helicopter blade” suggests a part of a helicopter that’s responsible for generating lift and propulsion. The answer “ROTOR” perfectly corresponds to this, Mirror Quick Crossword, as the rotor blades of a helicopter spin rapidly to create the necessary airflow for flight. The length and angle of these blades are crucial for the helicopter’s stability and maneuverability.
Senseless (5)
Answer: BATTY
“Senseless” implies something lacking in rationality or coherence, often associated with eccentricity or irrationality. “BATTY” fits this description perfectly, as it colloquially means “crazy” or “eccentric,” suggesting a state of mind that is disconnected from reality or reason.
Common word (3)
Answer: BUT
The clue “Common word” hints at a word that is frequently used or familiar to many people. “BUT” is a simple conjunction that is indeed common in everyday language. It’s used to connect contrasting ideas or clauses, making it a ubiquitous part of speech in communication.
Domestic animal (3)
Answer: DOG
This clue refers to an animal that is commonly kept by humans for companionship, work, or other purposes. The answer “DOG” fits perfectly, as dogs have been domesticated for thousands of years and are one of the most popular pets worldwide. They serve various roles, including companionship, protection, and assistance.
Listening organ (3)
Answer: EAR
The clue “Listening organ” directs attention to a part of the body used for hearing. The answer “EAR” corresponds accurately, as the ear is the primary sensory organ responsible for detecting sound waves and transmitting them to the brain for interpretation.
Vase (3)
Answer: JUG
A “Vase” is a container typically used for holding flowers or decorative items. In this context, the answer “JUG” might seem a bit unconventional, but it can indeed function as a vase, especially in more rustic or informal settings. A jug with a wide mouth can hold flowers or other decorative arrangements just like a vase would
Meal course (6)
Answer: ENTREE
In a typical multi-course meal, the “ENTREE” refers to the main course or the dish served after the appetizer and before dessert. It often consists of a substantial portion of meat, fish, Mirror Quick Crossword, or another protein, along with accompanying side dishes.
Amount of medicine (4)
Answer: DOSE
A “DOSE” refers to a specific quantity of medicine prescribed to be taken at one time. It represents the amount of medication required to achieve the desired therapeutic effect while maintaining safety and efficacy.
Anger (4)
Answer: HATE
“HATE” represents a strong emotion of hostility or intense dislike towards someone or something. While “anger” might not be an exact synonym, it can be associated with feelings of hatred, resentment, or indignation, making “HATE” a suitable answer.
Marsupial (6)
Answer: POSSUM
A “POSSUM” is a type of marsupial mammal characterized by its pouch and nocturnal habits. It’s often found in various regions around the world, particularly in Australia and North America. The term “Marsupial” describes the family of mammals to which possums belong, distinguished by the presence of a pouch for carrying their young.
Type of element (3)
Answer: GAS
“GAS” refers to a state of matter in which particles are not held together and are free to move, filling the space available to them. In the context of chemistry, “GAS” represents one of the three primary states of matter, along with solid and liquid. Examples of elements that exist in the gaseous state at room temperature include oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen.
Equal (3)
Answer: SUM
When something is “Equal,” it means it is the same in quantity, size, value, or some other characteristic. “SUM” fits this clue because it refers to the result obtained by adding numbers together. In mathematics, the sum represents the total or equal value obtained from the addition of individual components.
Gratuity (3)
Answer: FEE
A “Gratuity” is a sum of money given to someone as a reward or acknowledgment for their service, typically in the context of hospitality or customer service. “FEE” aligns with this clue as it represents a payment made for services rendered. While a fee is not always a gratuity, it can be considered as such when given voluntarily as an expression of appreciation.
Moist (3)
Answer: WET
“Moist” describes something slightly damp or containing a small amount of moisture. “WET” is a fitting answer as it denotes the state of being soaked with liquid, which aligns with the concept of moisture. While “WET” can sometimes imply a greater degree of saturation than “moist,” they are often used interchangeably to describe dampness.
Living (5)
Answer: BERTH
“Living” typically refers to the state of being alive or the condition of organisms that are not deceased. “BERTH” might seem less intuitive, but in the context of this clue, it could refer to a sleeping berth on a ship or train, Mirror Quick Crossword, which provides a place for living or resting while traveling. Although unconventional, “BERTH” fits the clue by implying a space where one resides or occupies temporarily.
Broker (5)
Answer: AGENT
A “Broker” is someone who acts as an intermediary in buying or selling goods or services, typically in financial or real estate transactions. “AGENT” fits this clue as it refers to a person or entity authorized to represent another in various matters, including negotiations and contracts. In the context of real estate or insurance, an agent often serves as a broker.
Sprinted (3)
Answer: RAN
“Sprinted” suggests a quick burst of running at high speed for a short distance. The answer “RAN” is a simple past tense form of the verb “run,” which perfectly describes the action of sprinting. It succinctly conveys the idea of rapid movement on foot.
Church council (5)
Answer: SYNOD
A “SYNOD” is a council or assembly of ecclesiastical officials or representatives, typically convened to discuss and decide on matters of doctrine, discipline, or administration within a religious denomination. It’s a term commonly used in Christian churches, particularly within the Anglican, Catholic, and Orthodox traditions.
Exhaust (5)
Answer: ANNOY
“Exhaust” can mean to drain someone’s physical or mental resources, or it can refer to the fumes expelled from an engine or other machinery. In this context, “ANNOY” might seem unexpected, but it fits as a synonym for the verb “exhaust” in the sense of wearing someone down or causing irritation or frustration.
Camera stand (6)
Answer: TRIPOD
A “TRIPOD” is a three-legged stand used to support a camera or other photographic equipment. It provides stability and allows for adjustable positioning to capture images or videos from various angles. The term “TRIPOD” derives from the Greek words “tri,” meaning three, and “pod,” meaning foot, accurately describing its three-legged design.
Alcoholic drink (4)
Answer: MEAD
Alcoholic drink” suggests a beverage containing alcohol. “MEAD” fits this description perfectly as it is an alcoholic beverage made by fermenting honey with water, Mirror Quick Crossword, often flavored with fruits, spices, grains, or hops. Mead has a long history and is considered one of the oldest known alcoholic drinks.
Banded minerals (6)
Answer: AGATES
Banded minerals” refers to minerals that display distinctive bands or layers of different colors or textures. “AGATES” fit this clue as they are a type of banded mineral, typically composed of layers of microcrystalline quartz. Agates are valued for their beautiful patterns and are often used in jewelry and ornamental objects.
Welcome (5)
Answer: HELLO
“HELLO” is a common greeting used to welcome someone or to acknowledge their presence. While “Welcome” might seem like a different word, “HELLO” effectively conveys the same sentiment of greeting or acknowledgment in a concise manner.
Ogle (5)
Answer: TEASE
“Ogle” means to stare at someone with admiration, especially in a way that is considered impolite or suggestive. “TEASE” might seem like an unusual answer, but in this context, it can refer to someone teasingly looking at another person, perhaps with a hint of flirtation or playful interest.
Weight (3)
Answer: NET
Weight” suggests something that measures or represents heaviness or mass. “NET” fits this description as it can refer to the weight of an object after subtracting the weight of its container or packaging. In a broader sense, a “NET” weight indicates the actual weight of a product excluding any additional materials.
Asian language (4)
Answer: THAI
Asian language” directs attention to a language spoken in Asia. “THAI” fits this clue perfectly as it refers to the official language of Thailand, Mirror Quick Crossword, a country located in Southeast Asia. The Thai language, also known as “ภาษาไทย” (Phasa Thai), is spoken by millions of people and is characterized by its unique script and tonal system.
Scheme (4)
Answer: FORM
Scheme” implies a plan or system put in place to achieve a particular goal or outcome. “FORM” can fit this clue as it represents a structured arrangement or method used to organize or accomplish something. While “scheme” and “form” may not be exact synonyms, they both involve the concept of planning or organization.
Scent (5)
Answer: ATTAR
Scent” refers to a pleasant or distinctive smell, often used synonymously with “fragrance” or “aroma.” “ATTAR” is a type of perfume or essential oil, typically derived from flowers through a distillation process. It’s known for its strong and long-lasting scent, making it a suitable answer for the clue.
Floor covering (3)
Answer: WAX
A “WAX” can be used as a floor covering, particularly in the form of waxed wood or linoleum floors. Wax provides a protective and shiny layer over the surface of the floor, enhancing its appearance and durability. While not as common as other types of floor coverings, wax is still used in certain applications.
Fresh (3)
Answer: FIT
“Fresh” implies something newly made, recently harvested, or in a pristine condition. “FIT” can fit this clue as it suggests a state of being healthy, vigorous, or in good shape. While “fresh” and “fit” may not be direct synonyms, they both convey a sense of vitality or readiness.
Age (3)
Answer: EGO
“Age” typically refers to the length of time that someone or something has existed or been in existence. However, in this context, “EGO” may suggest the concept of self-awareness or self-perception, which can be influenced by one’s age and life experiences. While “EGO” may not be a direct synonym for “age,” it could relate to the psychological development or maturity associated with different stages of life.
Egg cells (3)
Answer: OVA
“Egg cells” refers to the reproductive cells produced by female organisms, which are essential for sexual reproduction. “OVA” is the plural form of “ovum,” which is the scientific term for egg cells. Ova are larger cells compared to sperm and contain the genetic material necessary for fertilization when combined with sperm during sexual reproduction.
Dress (6)
Answer: FASTEN
Dress” can have multiple meanings, including putting on clothing or preparing oneself for a particular occasion. “FASTEN” fits this clue as it can refer to the action of securing or attaching clothing, such as fastening buttons, Mirror Quick Crossword, zippers, or clasps. While “dress” can also mean to style or adorn oneself, “FASTEN” captures the aspect of securing clothing in place.
Use up (6)
Answer: REMOVE
“Use up” suggests the consumption or depletion of a resource or supply until it is exhausted. “REMOVE” might seem like an unexpected answer, but in certain contexts, it can imply the removal or elimination of something, effectively using it up or getting rid of it. While “use up” typically implies complete consumption, “REMOVE” can signify the act of taking something away or eliminating it.
Chose (5)
Answer: DRAWN
“Chose” indicates the past tense of the verb “choose,” meaning to select or pick something from a set of options. “DRAWN” fits this clue less directly but could imply a decision or selection made, as in being “drawn to” or attracted to a particular choice. While “DRAWN” might not be a perfect match, it could represent the outcome of a decision-making process.
Spoilt children (5)
Answer: BRATS
Spoilt children” refers to children who are excessively indulged or given everything they want, often resulting in behavior perceived as rude or entitled. “BRATS” fits this description perfectly as it denotes children who are ill-behaved or mischievous due to overindulgence or lack of discipline.
Openings (4)
Answer: RUNS
Openings” can refer to gaps, spaces, or opportunities for entry or access. “RUNS” can fit this clue as it suggests pathways, routes, or channels that are open or available for movement or progress. While “RUNS” might not be the most intuitive answer, it can represent openings in a figurative sense, such as career opportunities or paths to success.
Long-necked bird (4)
Answer: SWAN
A “SWAN” is a large waterfowl bird characterized by its long neck, graceful demeanor, and typically white plumage. The clue accurately describes the physical appearance of a swan, which is known for its elegant and elongated neck.
Man’s name (4)
Answer: OMAR
OMAR” is a common male name found in various cultures and regions around the world. While its specific origin and meaning may vary, “OMAR” is a recognizable and widely used name for men, making it a suitable answer to the clue.
Self-image (3)
Answer: EGO
EGO” refers to a person’s sense of self-esteem, self-importance, or self-image. While “EGO” is often associated with negative connotations, it encompasses both positive and negative aspects of one’s self-perception and identity. In this context, “EGO” could represent how someone views themselves or their perceived place in the world.