The Independent’s Mini Puzzles Answers April 25, 2024 Solutions are Here

Independent’s Mini Puzzles– Crossword puzzles are perfect for puzzle lovers, if you are stuck, you can find the answers in the article below.

Are you feeling stressed about today’s clues? No need to stress because we have all the answers in this article. So, follow us for more updates, and wait for the upcoming clues and solutions. You can always check here for answers and explanations. Let’s start solving the puzzle.

Question: Winter toy (4)

Answer: SLED

A winter toy typically associated with snow-covered landscapes, it provides exhilarating rides downhill. Sledding is a popular activity for both children and adults during the winter season.

Question: Kind of review (5)

Answer: MIXED

When someone provides a mixed review, it suggests a combination of positive and negative feedback. The answer, MIXED, reflects the varied nature of such evaluations, encompassing both praise and criticism.

Question: Disentangle (5)

Answer: UNTIE

To untie something is to unravel or separate it, freeing it from knots or tangles. The word UNTIE captures the action of unraveling or undoing knots, fitting the clue provided.

Question: Short-winded (5)

Answer: TERSE

Being terse refers to using few words to convey a message succinctly. It implies brevity and efficiency in communication without unnecessary elaboration.

Question: Humid (4)

Answer: DAMP

Humid conditions are often characterized by high levels of moisture or dampness in the air. This can lead to a feeling of stickiness or heaviness, especially in warm climates.

Question: Censor’s target (4)

Answer: SMUT

When a censor is at work, their target is often content deemed inappropriate or obscene. This typically includes material of a sexual nature, which is commonly referred to as smut.

Question: Like composition paper (5)

Answer: LINED

Composition paper is commonly found with horizontal lines running across it, providing guidance for neat handwriting or organization. Hence, when describing the characteristics of composition paper, the term LINED comes to mind

Question: Uncredited actor (5)

Answer: EXTRA

In the world of film and television, an extra refers to a performer who appears in a production but doesn’t receive credit. These individuals fill background roles, adding depth and realism to scenes without being central to the plot.

Question: Belief in a creator that left the world alone (5)

Answer: DEISM

The belief system of Deism holds that a higher power, often referred to as a Creator, initiated the universe but does not intervene in its affairs. This perspective contrasts with religions that emphasize ongoing divine involvement in human affairs.

Question: Like a billionaire’s pockets (4)

Answer: DEEP

Billionaires are often associated with immense wealth, Independent’s Mini Puzzles, and metaphorically, their pockets can be described as DEEP due to the significant financial resources they possess.

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