MRVC Recruitment 2024
Mumbai Railway Vikas Corporation Ltd. (MRVC Ltd.), a PSU of Govt. of India under Ministry of Railways, is a vital project implementation organization working in the sensitive Mumbai Suburban area with a very lean organizational structure.
In MRVC Ltd. one post of General Manager/Additional General Manager (Finance) is required to be filled on deputation basis for which applications are invited from experienced, dynamic and motivated SAG/NFSAG/SG IRAS Officers / Officers of organized Group ‘A’ Accounts Service.
Eligibility Details
- Post Name and Vacancies: General Manager (Finance) / Additional General Manager (Finance) – (01 post)
- Location: Mumbai
- Age: Not more than 55 years
- Scale of Pay: Parent pay plus Deputation (Duty) Allowance
- Job Description:
- The post involves budgeting, financial advisory role, expenditure control and reporting, funds’ management including investment planning, drawing up accounts, audit- internal, statutory, and C&AG, compliance with Multilateral development banks’ stipulations. MIS reporting etc.
Specific Requirements
General Manager (Finance)
Serving IRAS SAG/NFSAG officer OR IRAS SG officer with minimum 5 years in SG; Officers of organized Group ‘A’ Accounts Service (e.g. Indian Audit & Accounts/ Defence Accounts / Civil Accounts/P&T Finance & Accounts/Cost Accounts Service working in SAG/NFSAG.)
Additional General Manager (Finance)
Serving IRAS SG officer preferably with experience in Railway Construction Accounts/PSU working/Books and Budget/ suburban Railway accounts.
Application Procedure
- The closing date is now extended upto 19.07.2024.
- The Vacancy Notice with Proforma of Application is available on the website of the Corporation – and Railway Board’s website –
- Eligible and interested officers may apply as per the application format. The duly filled in application should be sent to Manager (HR), Mumbai Railway Vikas Corporation Ltd. by email on
- Applicants should simultaneously submit a copy of the application to their administrative officer for forwarding the application to MRVC Ltd. through proper channel indicating ‘No Objection’, Vigilance/DAR clearance, APAR gradings etc. in the format.
- Web Address:,