Mail Mailword Large Crossword Clues and Solutions [April 26]

The Irish Daily Mail Mailword Large Crossword offers a bigger grid and a diverse set of clues. By solving this crossword you can enhance your knowledge about a wide range of topics. It will be a great learning opportunity. Here, you can find all the clues and their answers to solve today’s puzzle.

Beaten by a serve (4)

Answer: ACED

Beaten by a serve (ACED): In tennis, when a player is unable to return a serve successfully, they are said to be “ACED.” This term signifies that the opponent’s serve was so well-executed that it passed the receiver untouched, scoring a point outright.

Card game (4)

Answer: DEAL    

Card game (DEAL): This clue hints at a common activity involving a deck of cards where players distribute cards to participants. “DEAL” refers to the action of distributing cards in various card games, such as poker, bridge, or blackjack, marking the beginning of each round or hand.

Forefront (3)

Answer: VAN    

Forefront (VAN): The “VAN” in this clue represents a vehicle used for transporting goods or people, often associated with delivery or transportation services. “Forefront” suggests being at the leading edge or forefront of a movement or activity, akin to being at the forefront of a convoy or group.

Spritzer ingredient (4)

Answer: WINE    

Spritzer ingredient (WINE): A “spritzer” is a mixed drink made by diluting wine with carbonated water, soda, or lemonade. In this clue, “WINE” refers to the primary alcoholic ingredient used in making a spritzer, contributing to its flavor and character.

Simplicity (4)

Answer: EASE    

Simplicity (EASE): This clue suggests a state of being uncomplicated or without difficulty. “EASE” embodies simplicity, Irish Daily Mail Mailword Large Crossword, conveying a sense of comfort, relaxation, or effortlessness in a task or situation.

Shout of approval (5)

Answer: SWEET    

Shout of approval (SWEET): “SWEET” in this context represents an exclamation of approval or satisfaction, often used informally to express delight or excitement in response to something positive or favorable.

Group loyalty (9)

Answer: TRIBALISM    

Group loyalty (TRIBALISM): “TRIBALISM” refers to a strong sense of loyalty or allegiance to a particular group, often based on shared cultural, social, Irish Daily Mail Mailword Large Crossword, or ideological traits. This clue alludes to the tendency of individuals to prioritize the interests of their group over those of others, sometimes to the detriment of cooperation or understanding between different groups.

Uncanny (5)

Answer: SANER    

Uncanny (SANER): This clue plays on the word “uncanny,” which typically means strange or eerie. However, “SANER” suggests a relative degree of rationality or soundness of mind compared to complete madness or irrationality.

Legendary bird (3)

Answer: ROC    

Legendary bird (ROC): The “ROC” is a mythical bird of enormous size and strength, often depicted in folklore and mythology as a colossal creature capable of carrying off elephants or whales. This clue refers to its legendary status as a creature of awe-inspiring power and majesty.

Tiny arachnid (4)

Answer: TICK    

Tiny arachnid (TICK): A “TICK” is a small arachnid known for attaching itself to animals or humans to feed on blood. Despite their small size, ticks can transmit diseases, making them a significant concern for health and veterinary professionals.

Refusal (6)

Answer: NO DICE  

Refusal (NO DICE): “NO DICE” is a colloquial expression indicating a refusal or rejection of something, especially in the context of negotiations or propositions. This clue captures the idea of declining an offer or proposal succinctly.  

Industrious insect (3)

Answer: AFT    

Industrious insect: This clue hints at an insect known for its hard work and diligence. The answer is “ANT,” which is renowned for its industrious nature, often seen tirelessly working to gather food and build nests.

Meagre (6)

Answer: NEEDED    

Meagre: Here, we’re looking for a word that describes something lacking in quantity or substance. The answer is “NEEDED,” which suggests something that is insufficient or inadequate in amount or quality, fitting the context of being meagre.

Rubbish (3)

Answer: TAT    

Rubbish: This clue refers to something of poor quality or little value. The answer is “TAT,” which typically refers to cheap or worthless items, Irish Daily Mail Mailword Large Crossword, often used in the context of describing something as rubbish or junk.

Lariat (5)

Answer: RIATA    

Lariat: This term indicates a type of rope typically used in cattle herding or for lassoing. The answer is “RIATA,” which is a long, flexible rope or lasso used by cowboys and ranchers, especially in the American West.

Centre of the solar system (3)

Answer: SUN    

Centre of the solar system: This clue points to the astronomical body around which the planets orbit. The answer is “SUN,” which is at the center of our solar system, providing light and heat to Earth and other celestial bodies.

Cut with scissors (4)

Answer: CLIP    

Cut with scissors: Here, we’re looking for a word that describes the action of trimming or removing something using scissors. The answer is “CLIP,” which means to cut or trim with scissors or shears, often used in contexts such as hairdressing or gardening.

This month (4)

Answer: JUNE    

This month: This clue refers to the current month at the time of solving the crossword. The answer is “JUNE,” which is the sixth month of the year in the Gregorian calendar.

Red and painful (3)

Answer: RAW    

Red and painful: This clue suggests a condition characterized by redness and discomfort. The answer is “RAW,” which can describe skin that is sore, inflamed, or tender, often appearing red and painful.

Pigeon call (3)

Answer: COO    

Pigeon call: Here, we’re looking for a word that describes the sound made by a pigeon. The answer is “COO,” which is the soft, murmuring sound typically made by pigeons and doves.

Sourness (7)

Answer: ACIDITY    

Sourness: This clue refers to a taste sensation characterized by acidity or sharpness. The answer is “ACIDITY,” which describes the sour or tart quality found in certain foods and beverages.

Notable (7)

Answer: BIG NAME    

Notable: This clue suggests something or someone deserving of attention or recognition. The answer is “BIG NAME,” indicating a person or thing that is widely known, influential, or significant in their respective field or context.

Karate grade (3)

Answer: DON    

“Karate grade” suggests a term associated with levels or ranks in the martial art of karate. “DON” fits this clue as it denotes a grade or rank within the karate system.

Scottish racecourse (3)

Answer: AYR    

“Scottish racecourse” hints at a location in Scotland where horse races are held. “AYR” is the answer, as it refers to the Ayr Racecourse, a well-known venue for horse racing events in Scotland.

Extinct flightless bird (4)

Answer: DODO    

“Extinct flightless bird” points towards a creature that once existed but can no longer be found and is unable to fly. “DODO” is the solution, representing the famous flightless bird that went extinct centuries ago.

Casual form of address (4)

Answer: DUDE    

“Casual form of address” suggests a term used informally to refer to someone. “DUDE” fits this clue, as it’s a colloquial term often used to address or refer to a person in a relaxed or informal manner.

Horde (3)

Answer: LOT    

“Horde” implies a large group or crowd of people. “LOT” is the answer, as it signifies a considerable number of individuals gathered together.

Handlebar parts (5)

Answer: GRIPS    

“Handlebar parts” hints at components of a bicycle or motorcycle handlebar. “GRIPS” fit this clue, as they are the parts of the handlebar where the rider holds on to for control.

Half a dozen (3)

Answer: SIX    

“Half a dozen” suggests a numerical quantity, specifically six of something. “SIX” is the answer, representing the numerical value of half a dozen.

Maltreat (3,3)

Answer: ILL-USE    

“Maltreat” suggests mistreatment or abuse towards someone or something. “ILL-USE” fits this clue, as it describes the act of treating someone or something poorly or unfairly.

Raincoat (3)

Answer: MAC    

“Raincoat” points towards an item of clothing worn to protect against rain. “MAC” is the solution, short for “Mackintosh,” which is a type of waterproof raincoat.

Repeat aloud (6)

Answer: RECITE    

“Repeat aloud” hints at the action of saying something again, typically from memory. “RECITE” fits this clue, as it means to repeat something, especially a piece of text or information, aloud.

Preposition (4)

Answer: UPON    

“Preposition” suggests a word used to indicate relationships between other words in a sentence. “UPON” is the answer, as it is a preposition commonly used to indicate a spatial or temporal relationship between nouns or pronouns.

Term of farewell (3)

Answer: BYE    

“Term of farewell” implies a phrase used to say goodbye to someone. “BYE” fits this clue, as it is a short and commonly used term of farewell.

Overflowing (5)

Answer: CLOSE    

Overflowing: Describes a state of being filled beyond capacity, often suggesting an excess or abundance. It can refer to overflowing emotions, containers, or even ideas. Answer: CLOSE

Awareness (9)

Answer: EDUCATION    

Awareness: The state of being informed or knowledgeable about a particular subject or situation, obtained through learning or experience. It encompasses understanding and consciousness of one’s surroundings or the world at large. Answer: EDUCATION

Spiteful (5)

Answer: ANGRY    

Spiteful: Characterized by a desire to harm or hurt others, motivated by resentment or vindictiveness. It often involves malicious intent or a desire for revenge against someone perceived as a rival or enemy. Answer: ANGRY

Caprice (4)

Answer: RAGE    

Caprice: Refers to a sudden and unpredictable change in behavior or mood, often without apparent reason or logic. It can manifest as impulsive decisions or actions driven by whim or fancy. Answer: RAGE

Border (4)

Answer: FACE    

Border: The line or boundary that separates one area or entity from another, marking the edge of a region or territory. Borders can be physical, such as fences or walls, or conceptual, delineating differences between ideas or cultures. Answer: FACE

Sight organ (3)

Answer: EYE    

Sight organ: The sensory organ responsible for vision, allowing individuals to perceive light, shapes, colors, and depth. It plays a crucial role in the human sensory experience and is essential for navigating the world. Answer: EYE

Long thin fish (4)

Answer: EELS    

Long thin fish: Describes a type of aquatic creature characterized by its elongated body and snake-like appearance. They are often found in both freshwater and saltwater environments and are consumed as a delicacy in various cuisines. Answer: EELS

Wagers (4)

Answer: POTS    

Wagers: Refers to bets or gambles placed on the outcome of a particular event or contest, often involving money or other valuable items. Wagers can range from friendly bets among friends to high-stakes bets in professional gambling settings. Answer: POTS

Of the stars (6)

Answer: ASTRAL    

Of the stars: Pertaining to celestial bodies or the realm of the cosmos, this term evokes images of galaxies, constellations, and distant planets. It reflects the awe and wonder inspired by the vastness and beauty of the universe. Answer: ASTRAL

Crown (6)

Answer: CLIMAX    

Crown: Symbolizing achievement, victory, or supremacy, a crown is a regal adornment worn on the head by monarchs or winners of competitions. It represents authority, power, and excellence, often associated with leadership and royalty. Answer: CLIMAX

Decrees (6)

Answer: JUDGES    

Decrees: Official orders or judgments issued by authorities, such as judges or rulers, with the force of law behind them. Decrees carry legal weight and are binding upon those to whom they are directed. Answer: JUDGES

Lightly touch (3)

Answer: DAB    

Lightly touch: Describes a gentle and delicate action of making brief contact with something using minimal force. It implies a soft and careful gesture, often performed with the fingertips. Answer: DAB

Falsely represent (5)

Answer: BELIE    

Falsely represent: To mislead or deceive by presenting something in a manner that is not truthful or accurate. It involves distorting facts or perceptions to create a false impression. Answer: BELIE

Yoghurt sauce (5)

Answer: RAITA    

Yoghurt sauce: A condiment commonly used in Indian cuisine, made from yogurt and flavored with various spices and herbs. It adds a creamy texture and tangy flavor to dishes, often served alongside spicy curries or as a cooling accompaniment. Answer: RAITA

Consider (6)

Answer: DEDUCE    

Consider: To think about carefully and deliberate upon, weighing different factors or perspectives before reaching a conclusion or decision. It involves reflection and analysis to arrive at a thoughtful judgment. Answer: DEDUCE

Amethyst, e.g. (3)

Answer: GEM    

Amethyst, e.g.: A type of precious stone valued for its violet or purple coloration, amethyst is often used in jewelry and decorative items. It is associated with qualities such as clarity of thought, spiritual growth, and inner peace. Answer: GEM

Difference (8)

Answer: ABERANCY    

Difference: Refers to the distinction or variation between two or more things, highlighting the uniqueness or diversity within a set of objects or concepts. It can encompass disparities in size, shape, color, or characteristics. Answer: ABERANCY (Note: The correct spelling is “ABERRANCY,” which means deviation from what is normal or expected.

Flight (8)

Answer: SOLDIERS    

Flight (SOLDIERS): This clue refers to a group of individuals moving together, often in a coordinated manner. “SOLDIERS” denotes a collective term for military personnel, suggesting a unit or squadron in motion, such as during a march or maneuver.

Yuletide (4)

Answer: X MAS    

Yuletide (X MAS): “X MAS” is a shortened form of “Christmas,” the festive season celebrated in December. This clue directly references the holiday period, evoking images of joyous gatherings, gift-giving, and merriment associated with Yuletide traditions.

Pollinating insect (3)

Answer: BEE    

Pollinating insect (BEE): The “BEE” is a vital pollinator responsible for the reproduction of many flowering plants. This clue highlights the ecological significance of bees in transferring pollen between flowers, essential for the production of fruits, seeds, and crops.

Lets (5)

Answer: RESTS    

Lets (RESTS): In this context, “RESTS” implies allowing or permitting something to happen. It suggests a moment of pause or relaxation, indicating permission to take a break or cease activity temporarily.

Pungent gas (7)

Answer: AMMONIA    

Pungent gas (AMMONIA): “AMMONIA” is a compound known for its sharp, pungent odor, often used in cleaning products and fertilizers. This clue describes its distinctive smell, which can be overpowering and unpleasant in high concentrations.

British magician (6)

Answer: DYNAMO    

British magician (DYNAMO): “DYNAMO” refers to a British magician known for his captivating performances and innovative tricks. This clue identifies him as a notable figure in the world of magic and entertainment, renowned for his skill and showmanship.

Tempted (5)

Answer: DARED    

Tempted (DARED): This clue suggests a feeling of temptation or inclination towards risky or daring actions. “DARED” implies being tempted to do something bold or adventurous, often in defiance of caution or convention.

East Devon river (3)

Answer: SID    

East Devon river (SID): In this context, “SID” likely refers to the River Sid, a watercourse located in East Devon, England. The clue provides geographical context, specifying the direction and region associated with the river.

Saucepan (3)

Answer: PAN    

Saucepan (PAN): A “PAN” is a cooking vessel with a handle and typically used for frying, sautéing, or boiling. This clue straightforwardly describes the kitchen utensil commonly used in culinary preparations.

Thwart (6)

Answer: HOLDUP    

Thwart (HOLDUP): “HOLDUP” suggests an action or event that impedes progress or obstructs a planned course of action. This clue captures the idea of thwarting or delaying something, potentially causing inconvenience or disruption.

Austrian province (5)

Answer: TYROL    

Austrian province (TYROL): “TYROL” is a province located in western Austria, known for its stunning alpine landscapes and cultural heritage. This clue identifies it as a specific region within Austria, offering a hint about its geographical location and significance.

Duck (7)

Answer: CONCEAL    

Duck: This clue implies an action that involves hiding or avoiding detection. The answer is “CONCEAL,” which means to keep something out of sight or to hide it from view, akin to how a duck might conceal itself in water.

Supplement (3)

Answer: TOP    

Supplement: Here, we’re looking for a word that describes something added to complete or enhance something else. The answer is “TOP,” which can mean to add something on the top of something else, like adding a topping to food to enhance its flavor or appearance.

Raised track (8)

Answer: CAUSEWAY    

Raised track: This clue suggests a pathway or road that is elevated above its surroundings. The answer is “CAUSEWAY,” which refers to a raised road or track, often built over wet or marshy ground to provide a dry passage.

Point out (8)

Answer: REGISTER    

Point out: This refers to the action of indicating or drawing attention to something. The answer is “REGISTER,” which can mean to officially record or indicate something, akin to pointing out or noting the presence of something.

And not (3)

Answer: EBB    

And not: This clue indicates a phrase that implies exclusion or contrast. The answer is “EBB,” which means to recede or decline, often used in contrast to a flow or increase.

Survive (5)

Answer: GET ON    

Survive (5): Here, we’re looking for a word that means to continue to exist or endure. The answer is “GET ON,” which means to manage to live or cope in a particular situation, often despite difficulties or challenges.

Cheerful (6)

Answer: SNAPPY    

Cheerful: This clue implies a state of being lively or full of energy. The answer is “SNAPPY,” which means brisk or lively, often used to describe someone’s cheerful or energetic demeanor.

Assimilate (6)

Answer: TAKEUP    

Assimilate: This refers to the process of absorbing or integrating new information or ideas. The answer is “TAKE UP,” which means to begin to study or engage with a new subject or activity, suggesting the assimilation of knowledge or skills.

Disburse (3,3)

Answer: LOT OUT    

Disburse: This clue indicates the action of distributing or paying out money. The answer is “LOT OUT,” which means to distribute or allocate something, often used in the context of distributing shares or portions of something.

Smells (6)

Answer: TRACKS    

Smells: Here, we’re referring to the perception of odors or scents. The answer is “TRACKS,” which can mean to follow the scent or trail left by something, akin to how animals track scents to locate prey or navigate their environment.

Up to the time that (5)

Answer: UNTIL    

Up to the time that: This clue suggests a phrase indicating a duration or period of time leading to a specific point. The answer is “UNTIL,” which means up to the point or time when something happens or changes.

Checks (5)

Answer: DAMES    

Checks: This refers to the action of inspecting or verifying something. The answer is “DAMES,” which can mean ladies or women, often used informally to refer to female friends or companions, akin to “checks” as in checking up on someone.

Speed contest (4)

Answer: RAGE    

Speed contest: This clue suggests an event or activity focused on determining who or what is the fastest. The answer is “RAGE,” which can refer to a violent or uncontrollable anger, akin to the intensity or fervor often associated with a speed contest.

Your, archaically (3)

Answer: THY    

Your, archaically: This clue indicates an archaic term for the possessive form of “you.” The answer is “THY,” which is an old-fashioned or poetic form of “your,” often found in literature or religious texts.

Reverence (3)

Answer: AWE    

Reverence: This refers to a feeling of deep respect or admiration. The answer is “AWE,” which means a feeling of wonder or reverence, often inspired by something majestic or extraordinary.

Cumulative bill (3)

Answer: TAB    

Cumulative bill: This clue suggests a total amount owed or accumulated over time. The answer is “TAB,” which refers to a bill or account, often used informally to refer to the total amount owed for goods or services received.

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