Learn the Irish Daily Mail Mailword Large Answer for April 24,

The Irish Daily Mail Mailword Large Puzzle is a fun game where you can enjoy yourself and learn at the same time. You have to come up with different answers until you find the correct one. If you want more puzzles, you can visit our page. And if you are stuck, you can scroll down to see today’s answer and explanation.

Anglo-Saxon council (5)

Answer: WITAN

Anglo-Saxon council: In Anglo-Saxon history, the “WITAN” was a council of nobles and clergy who advised the king on matters of governance, law, and policy. It represented a significant aspect of early English political structure and decision-making.

Sailing vessel (4)

Answer: BRIG    

Sailing vessel: When considering a “Sailing vessel,” one might visualize a ship with two masts, typically square-rigged on the foremast and fore-and-aft rigged on the mainmast. “BRIG” fits this description, representing a type of sailing vessel commonly used for both naval and merchant purposes.

Berserk (4)

Answer: WILD    

Berserk: The term “Berserk” describes a state of frenzied or uncontrolled behavior, often associated with warriors who fought with wild abandon in battle. “WILD” captures this essence, representing the untamed and frenetic energy characteristic of someone going berserk.

Fragrance (5)

Answer: MYRRH  

Fragrance: When discussing “Fragrance,” one might think of a pleasant or distinctive smell, often derived from natural substances like flowers or spices. “MYRRH” serves as an apt answer, representing a fragrant resin obtained from certain trees and used in perfumes, incense, and aromatherapy.  

Palindromic pop group (4)

Answer: ABBA    

Palindromic pop group: A “Palindromic pop group” refers to a musical ensemble whose name reads the same backward as forward. “ABBA” fits this criterion perfectly, representing the iconic Swedish pop group known for their hit songs and enduring popularity.

Weak (4)

Answer: IDLE    

Weak: In the context of strength or vigor, “Weak” suggests a lack of physical or mental robustness. “IDLE” aligns with this interpretation, indicating a state of inactivity or sluggishness, often associated with weakness or lack of energy.

Increase speed (3,2,5)

Answer: GET UP STEAM    

Increase speed: “GET UP STEAM” is a phrase used to describe the action of increasing speed or momentum, particularly in a steam-powered engine or locomotive. It signifies the process of building up energy or force to propel forward with greater speed.

Skin problem (4)

Answer: RASH    

Skin problem: A “Skin problem” refers to any condition or ailment affecting the skin’s health or appearance. “RASH” fits this description, representing a common skin issue characterized by redness, irritation, and itching.

Individuals (4)

Answer: MANS    

The term MANS suggests a colloquial abbreviation for “mans,” often used in informal contexts to refer to men or individuals. It’s a concise and common way to denote the plural form of “man” when describing a group of people.

Non-surgical practitioner (6)

Answer: PHYSIO    

A PHYSIO is a healthcare professional specializing in physiotherapy, a non-surgical approach to treating injuries, illnesses, or disabilities through physical methods such as exercise, massage, and manipulation. Physios play a crucial role in helping patients regain mobility, manage pain, and improve overall physical well-being.

Trendy (3)

Answer: C B D    

In contemporary culture, the term C B D is often associated with cannabidiol, a trendy compound derived from the cannabis plant known for its potential health benefits, including relaxation, pain relief, and stress reduction. The growing popularity of CBD products has made it a trendy choice for wellness enthusiasts seeking natural remedies.

Formidable foe (7)

Answer: NEMESIS    

A NEMESIS is a formidable opponent or adversary, often symbolizing a person or force that poses a significant challenge or threat. The term originates from Greek mythology, where Nemesis was the goddess of divine retribution, punishing those who displayed hubris or arrogance.

Hard to catch (7)

Answer: ELUSIVE    

Something that is ELUSIVE is difficult to capture, grasp, or pin down. It describes objects or concepts that seem to slip away or evade capture, whether physically or metaphorically. This term is commonly used to describe elusive prey in hunting or elusive ideas in intellectual pursuits.

Darts line (4)

Answer: OCHE    

In the game of darts, the OCHE refers to the line behind which players must stand when throwing their darts. It serves as a marker to ensure fair play and maintain consistent distance between players and the dartboard, contributing to the precision and skill required in the game.

Choir voice (5)

Answer: BASSO    

Within a choir, the BASSO is a vocal part characterized by its low range, typically sung by male singers with deep voices. The bass voice adds depth and richness to choral harmonies, providing a solid foundation for the overall sound of the ensemble.

Professions (7)

Answer: PLEDGES    

The term PLEDGES here likely refers to individuals who have committed to joining or pursuing certain professions, such as pledging allegiance to a particular career path or field of study. It implies a dedication or promise to uphold the values and responsibilities associated with one’s chosen profession.

Moves around (5)

Answer: ROAMS    

Moves around – ROAMS: When one doesn’t stick to a particular path but wanders freely, exploring different places or ideas, they engage in this activity. It embodies a sense of exploration, curiosity, and freedom, as one meanders through landscapes physical or mental. The answer to this clue is “ROAMS,” capturing the essence of wandering and movement.

Ale (4)

Answer: BOCK    

Ale – BOCK: Among the diverse array of beers, this particular type is known for its strong and malty flavor, often associated with German brewing traditions. It’s characterized by its robustness and depth of taste, making it a favorite among aficionados of craft beer and brewing enthusiasts. The answer to this clue is “BOCK,” representing a distinctive variety of ale.

Before (3)

Answer: NOW    

Before – NOW: When referring to a point in time preceding the present moment, this word signifies the past or an earlier state of affairs. It contrasts with the current or contemporary, highlighting the transition or progression from one temporal condition to another. The answer to this clue is “NOW,” capturing the contrast between past and present.

Sit (4)

Answer: MEET    

Sit-MEET: When individuals gather together, often in a designated place or for a specific purpose, they engage in this social activity. It fosters connection, conversation, and collaboration, as people come together to interact, share, or engage in shared experiences. The answer to this clue is “MEET,” representing the act of gathering or convening.

Parsonage (5)

Answer: MANSE    

Parsonage – MANSE: Traditionally associated with clergy or religious figures, this term refers to the residence provided by a church or parish for its minister or pastor. It serves as both a home and a symbol of the spiritual leadership within a community, often embodying a sense of tradition and reverence. The answer to this clue is “MANSE,” representing the dwelling of a clergy member.

Anguish (7)

Answer: ANXIETY    

Anguish – ANXIETY: When one experiences intense mental distress, often characterized by worry, fear, or unease about the future, they grapple with this emotional state. It may manifest as physical symptoms or psychological turmoil, impacting one’s well-being and ability to cope with life’s challenges. The answer to this clue is “ANXIETY,” capturing the torment of inner turmoil and distress.

West London district (5)

Answer: ACT ON    

West London district – ACT ON: Within the vibrant tapestry of London’s neighborhoods, this area is known for its cultural diversity, historical significance, and bustling atmosphere. It’s a hub of activity, creativity, and commerce, attracting residents and visitors alike with its unique charm and attractions. The answer to this clue is “ACT ON,” representing a district within the dynamic landscape of West London.

Large feline (4)

Answer: PUMA    

Large feline – PUMA: Among the majestic predators that roam the wilds, this species stands out for its agility, power, and sleek beauty. It’s a symbol of strength and grace, often revered in various cultures and mythologies for its prowess and hunting prowess. The answer to this clue is “PUMA,” representing a formidable member of the feline family.

Unbeliever (7)

Answer: SCOFFER    

Unbeliever – SCOFFER: When one rejects or ridicules religious or spiritual beliefs, often with disdain or mockery, they embody this skeptical attitude. It reflects a stance of skepticism or disbelief towards established doctrines or dogmas, challenging conventional wisdom or faith-based interpretations. The answer to this clue is “SCOFFER,” representing a skeptic or cynic towards matters of faith or belief.

Endeavour (7)

Answer: VENTURE    

Endeavour – VENTURE: When one embarks on a new and often risky undertaking or enterprise, they engage in this bold and ambitious pursuit. It embodies a spirit of exploration, innovation, and daring, as individuals seek to push boundaries and achieve new heights of success or discovery. The answer to this clue is “VENTURE,” capturing the essence of bold and adventurous endeavor.

Bronze (3)

Answer: A E S    

Bronze – AES: In the realm of medals and awards, this alloy holds a special significance, often denoting third place or honorable mention in competitions. It symbolizes achievement and recognition, albeit one step below silver and gold, yet still representing excellence and accomplishment. The answer to this clue is “AES,” representing the metallic substance associated with bronze medals and honors.

Crow-like bird (6)

Answer: MAGPIE    

Crow-like bird: A “MAGPIE” is a bird known for its black and white plumage and its tendency to collect shiny objects. Like crows, magpies are intelligent and are often found scavenging for food in urban and rural areas.

Edward —, nonsense poet (4)

Answer: LEAR    

Edward —, nonsense poet: “LEAR” refers to Edward Lear, a 19th-century English poet known for his literary nonsense and limericks. Lear’s whimsical verses and imaginative wordplay have made him a beloved figure in the world of literature.

Periods of history (4)

Answer: AGES    

Periods of history: “AGES” are distinct periods of time in history characterized by particular cultural, social, and technological developments. From the Stone Age to the Information Age, human history is divided into various ages, each marking significant milestones in our collective journey.

Granted (10)

Answer: VOUCHSAFED    

Granted: “VOUCHSAFED” is a formal term meaning to grant or bestow something, often used in religious or ceremonial contexts. When something is vouchsafed, it is given or provided with a sense of privilege or divine favor.

Lightly cooked (4)

Answer: PINK    

Lightly cooked: When something is cooked just enough to turn “PINK,” it means it’s cooked lightly, often referring to meats like pork or chicken that are still slightly pink in the center. This term is commonly used in culinary contexts to describe a desired level of doneness.

Hot beverages (4)

Answer: TEAS    

Hot beverages: “TEAS” are hot beverages made by infusing dried leaves or herbs in hot water. From traditional black tea to herbal blends, teas are enjoyed worldwide for their diverse flavors and potential health benefits.

Mosque prayer leaders (5)

Answer: IMAMS    

Mosque prayer leaders: “IMAMS” are religious leaders in Islam who lead prayers, deliver sermons, and provide guidance to their congregations. Imams play a crucial role in mosques, serving as spiritual guides and community leaders.

Ocular inflammation (4)

Answer: STYE    

Ocular inflammation: A “STYE” is a painful red bump that forms on the eyelid due to inflammation of the oil glands. While often harmless, styes can be uncomfortable and may require medical treatment if they persist or become infected.

Sea eagle (4)

Answer: ORNE    

Sea eagle: The “ORNE” is a type of sea eagle, known for its impressive size and powerful talons. Found in coastal regions around the world, sea eagles are skilled hunters and are admired for their majestic appearance.

Israeli city (5)

Answer: SAFED    

Israeli city: “SAFED” is a city in northern Israel known for its rich history, mystical significance, and picturesque setting in the mountains of the Upper Galilee. Safed is renowned for its ancient synagogues, artist colonies, and as a center of Jewish mysticism, particularly in the Kabbalistic tradition.

Cart (5)

Answer: DOLLY    

When considering a “Cart,” one might envision a wheeled vehicle used for transporting goods or materials. “DOLLY” fits this description, representing a type of cart or hand truck often used for moving heavy objects.

Woman’s name (5)

Answer: ETHEL    

Woman’s name: “ETHEL” serves as the answer to the clue “Woman’s name.” It represents a traditional and classic name often given to girls, carrying a sense of grace and dignity.

Symbolic object (5)

Answer: TOTEM    

Symbolic object: A “TOTEM” is a symbolic object representing a family, clan, tribe, or individual in various indigenous cultures worldwide. It holds significance as a spiritual emblem and often embodies ancestral connections or protective spirits.

Entertain (5)

Answer: STAGE    

Entertain: When discussing the act of providing amusement or enjoyment, the word “STAGE” fits perfectly. It represents the platform or area where performers entertain an audience, whether through theater, music, or other forms of live performance.

Cloth’s surface (3)

Answer: NAP    

Cloth’s surface: The surface of a cloth, particularly one with a texture or pile, is referred to as its “NAP.” This term describes the fuzzy or raised fibers on the surface of fabric, affecting its appearance and feel.

Large towel (4,5)

Answer: BATH SHEET    

Large towel: A “BATH SHEET” is a large towel typically used for drying off after bathing. It provides ample coverage and absorbency, making it suitable for wrapping around the body.

Comply (4)

Answer: MIND    

Comply: “MIND” serves as the answer to the clue “Comply.” It implies obeying or adhering to instructions, rules, or requests, reflecting attentiveness and obedience.

Humiliate (5)

Answer: CHIDE    

Humiliate: When someone is chastised or scolded in a mildly humiliating manner, they are being “CHIDE”d. This word captures the sense of mild reprimand or criticism often used to correct behavior or express disapproval.

Sri Lankan (5)

Answer: TAMIL    

Sri Lankan: “TAMIL” refers to both the people and the language of the Tamil ethnic group, who are primarily from the Indian subcontinent, particularly Sri Lanka and southern India.

In the manner of (1,2)

Answer: A LA    

In the manner of: “A LA” is a phrase used to denote something done in the style or manner of a particular person, group, or tradition. It signifies emulation or imitation of a certain approach or method.

Industrial operative (9)

Answer: MACHINIST    

A MACHINIST is a skilled worker who operates machinery in industrial settings, such as manufacturing plants or workshops. They are trained to use various tools and equipment to fabricate, modify, or repair metal or plastic parts with precision and efficiency, playing a vital role in the production process.

One eating every food (8)

Answer: OMNIVORE    

An OMNIVORE is an organism that consumes a wide variety of food types, including both plant and animal matter. This term applies to humans as well as many animals, reflecting the adaptable and diverse nature of their diet, which includes fruits, vegetables, meats, and more.

Custodians (7)

Answer: ESCORTS    

In certain contexts, such as security or personal assistance, ESCORTS are individuals responsible for protecting, guiding, or accompanying others. They ensure the safety and well-being of their charges, whether through physical protection, logistical support, or simply providing companionship.

Piquancy (5)

Answer: SAVOR    

SAVOR refers to the distinctive flavor or taste of food, especially when it possesses a pleasant or intriguing quality that stimulates the senses. Piquancy, in this sense, denotes a heightened or intense flavor that delights the palate and enhances the culinary experience.

Exhausted (8)

Answer: EXPELLED    

While EXPELLED typically means being forced to leave or being ejected from a place or position, it doesn’t directly correlate with exhaustion. A more fitting answer for exhaustion could be “spent” or “worn-out.”

Italian port (8)

Answer: BRINDISI    

BRINDISI is a coastal city and port in southern Italy, known for its strategic location on the Adriatic Sea. As a significant transportation hub, Brindisi has historical importance as a gateway to the eastern Mediterranean and has served as a vital port for trade and maritime activities.

Violently attack (3,2)

Answer: SET ON    

To SET ON someone or something is to launch a sudden, aggressive assault or Violently attack. This action implies a deliberate and forceful act of aggression aimed at causing harm or destruction to the target.

— Flynn, classic actor (5)

Answer: ERROL    

ERROL Flynn was a renowned actor known for his roles in classic Hollywood films, particularly in swashbuckling adventure movies. He gained fame for his charismatic performances and dashing on-screen persona, becoming an icon of the silver screen during the mid-20th century.

100 year anniversary (9)

Answer: CENTENARY    

A CENTENARY marks the celebration of a significant event or milestone occurring every hundred years. It’s a commemoration of longevity and endurance, often symbolizing the enduring legacy or impact of an institution, tradition, or historical event.

Greek fabulist (5)

Answer: ASEOP    

AESOP was an ancient Greek fabulist and storyteller credited with the authorship of a collection of fables known as “Aesop’s Fables.” These timeless tales feature anthropomorphic animals and convey moral lessons or truths through simple yet profound narratives.

Show in instalments (9)

Answer: SERIALISE    

To SERIALISE something is to present it in sequential parts or episodes, typically with each installment building upon the previous one to create a cohesive narrative. This term is commonly used in reference to television shows, novels, or other forms of media released periodically over time.

Gambling game (8)

Answer: BACCARAT    

Gambling game – BACCARAT: Within the opulent confines of casinos worldwide, this card game holds a special allure, captivating players with its blend of chance, strategy, and elegance. Originating in France, it’s renowned for its simplicity yet intrigue, as participants wager on the outcome of a hand dealt by the dealer. The answer to this clue is “BACCARAT,” representing a timeless and sophisticated gambling pastime.

Learns thoroughly (7)

Answer: SOAKS UP    

Learns thoroughly – SOAKS UP: When individuals absorb knowledge, skills, or information with thoroughness and depth, they engage in this active process of learning. It involves immersion, concentration, and assimilation, as one comprehends and internalizes the subject matter at hand. The answer to this clue is “SOAKS UP,” capturing the idea of absorbing knowledge like a sponge absorbs water.

Choral composition (5)

Answer: MOTET    

Choral composition – MOTET: Within the rich tapestry of musical expression, this genre of composition holds a distinguished place, featuring intricate vocal harmonies and polyphonic textures. Originating in the medieval period, it has evolved over centuries, showcasing the artistry and craftsmanship of composers throughout history. The answer to this clue is “MOTET,” representing a timeless form of choral music.

Furious (5)

Answer: DIRTY    

Furious – DIRTY: When one experiences intense anger or rage, often accompanied by feelings of indignation or offense, they embody this emotional state. It signifies a boiling over of emotions, sometimes leading to rash or hostile behavior as a result of perceived injustice or wrongdoing. The answer to this clue is “DIRTY,” capturing the intensity of fury and indignation.

Fermented apple juice (5)

Answer: CIDER    

Fermented apple juice – CIDER: Among the array of beverages crafted from fruits, this particular libation stands out for its crispness, tanginess, and distinctively fruity flavor. It’s made through the fermentation of apple juice, resulting in a refreshing and often effervescent drink enjoyed in various cultures worldwide. The answer to this clue is “CIDER,” representing a beloved and versatile fermented beverage.

Resin (5)

Answer: ELEMI    

Resin – ELEMI: Derived from certain trees, particularly in the genus Canarium, this aromatic substance holds various cultural, medicinal, and industrial uses. It’s prized for its fragrance and adhesive properties, often utilized in perfumes, incense, varnishes, and traditional healing practices. The answer to this clue is “ELEMI,” representing a natural resin with diverse applications.

Military decoration (5)

Answer: MEDAL    

Military decoration – MEDAL: When individuals demonstrate exceptional bravery, service, or achievement in the armed forces, they may be honored with this prestigious symbol of recognition. It signifies valor, dedication, and sacrifice, serving as a tangible token of appreciation for their contributions to national defense and security. The answer to this clue is “MEDAL,” representing a distinguished military honor.

Balearic capital (5)

Answer: PALMA    

Balearic capital – PALMA: Nestled amidst the azure waters of the Mediterranean, this vibrant city serves as the capital of the Balearic Islands, renowned for its historical landmarks, cultural heritage, and scenic beauty. It attracts visitors with its charming old town, bustling harbor, and cosmopolitan atmosphere, embodying the essence of Mediterranean allure. The answer to this clue is “PALMA,” representing the capital city of this picturesque archipelago.

Secret meeting (5)

Answer: TRYST    

Secret meeting – TRYST: When individuals rendezvous in secrecy, often for romantic or clandestine purposes, they engage in this covert encounter away from prying eyes. It conveys a sense of intimacy, intrigue, and secrecy, as participants meet discreetly to pursue their hidden agendas or desires. The answer to this clue is “TRYST,” representing a clandestine meeting shrouded in secrecy.

Muscat’s country (4)

Answer: OMAN    

Muscat’s country – OMAN: Nestled on the southeastern coast of the Arabian Peninsula, this nation boasts a rich tapestry of history, culture, and natural beauty, with Muscat serving as its capital and cultural heart. It’s renowned for its stunning landscapes, ancient forts, and warm hospitality, attracting visitors with its blend of tradition and modernity. The answer to this clue is “OMAN,” representing the country associated with the city of Muscat.

Behold (3)

Answer: EYE    

Behold – EYE: When one gazes upon something with wonder, admiration, or astonishment, they engage in this act of perception and observation. It implies a sense of marvel or appreciation as one takes in the beauty, magnitude, or significance of a sight or experience. The answer to this clue is “EYE,” representing the organ of sight and the act of beholding with wonder.

Draw (3)

Answer: WIN    

Draw – WIN: In the realm of competitions, contests, or games of chance, this term refers to the outcome in which neither side emerges as the clear victor. It signifies a balanced result, often leading to a rematch or tiebreaker to determine the ultimate winner. The answer to this clue is “WIN,” representing the opposite outcome to a draw, where one side emerges triumphant.

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