Independent’s Mini Puzzles Solutions for (April 29)

Hello all crossword lovers, We have got more clues for you to solve in our crossword puzzle. Crosswords are not easy all the time and that’s why we are here to help you solve the crossword puzzle. Here are the clues for the crossword puzzle.

Picnic crasher

Answer: ANT

An “ANT” fits perfectly as it’s often seen scavenging for food at picnics, and it’s also a small insect commonly associated with outdoor activities.

Blue-ribbon position

Answer: FIRST

Here, the clue describes the top or most prestigious position in a competition or event, often symbolized by a blue ribbon. “FIRST” fits perfectly as it denotes the highest-ranking position, and it’s also a term used to describe the winner of a contest or race.

Thrown at bad actors

Answer: TOMATO

This clue refers to a traditional form of audience disapproval, where rotten tomatoes are thrown at performers who give poor performances. A “TOMATO” fits perfectly as it’s a common item thrown at bad actors or performers, and it’s also a type of fruit associated with this tradition.

Popular college football team

Answer: AUBURN

Here, the clue describes a well-known college football team, likely recognized for its popularity and success in the sport. “AUBURN” fits perfectly as it’s the name of a prominent college football team, specifically the Auburn University Tigers, known for their competitive performance in collegiate football.

Feather in one’s cap


This clue suggests a notable accomplishment or milestone in one’s life or career, often considered a source of pride or honor. A “CROWNING ACHIEVEMENT” fits perfectly as it denotes a significant accomplishment, akin to placing a feather in one’s cap as a symbol of success or distinction.

The totter to its teeter

Answer: SAW

This clue employs wordplay, using a play on words to describe the action of a seesaw. A “SAW” fits perfectly as it completes the phrase “totter to its teeter,” which resembles the action of a seesaw moving up and down, and it’s also a tool commonly associated with woodworking.

Run _____ (into conflict)

Answer: AFOUL

“Runs AFOUL,” it means they come into conflict with something or someone, leading to difficulties or problems. The word “AFOUL” fits perfectly as it means in a manner that brings trouble or conflict, and it’s also a term commonly used in expressions like “run afoul of the law.”

Type of cloud


“MAGELLANIC” likely refers to clouds named after the explorer Ferdinand Magellan or associated with the Magellanic Clouds, two irregular galaxies visible from the Southern Hemisphere. This type of cloud might be named based on its appearance or its association with the region of the Magellanic Clouds.

Severe psychological distress

Answer: TRAUMA

This clue describes intense emotional or mental suffering resulting from a disturbing experience or event. “TRAUMA” fits perfectly as it denotes severe psychological distress caused by a deeply distressing or disturbing event, and it’s also a term commonly used in psychology to describe such experiences.

Scatter or spread around

Answer: STREW

When you “STREW” something, you scatter it or spread it around over an area. It’s commonly used when talking about scattering things like seeds, petals, or other small items. The word “STREW” fits perfectly as it means exactly that, and it’s also a term frequently used in this context.

2000 pounds

Answer: ONE TON

In the imperial system of measurement, a “TON” is equivalent to 2,000 pounds. This unit of measurement is often used to describe the weight of heavy objects or loads. The phrase “ONE TON” fits perfectly as it denotes precisely 2,000 pounds, and it’s also a common way of expressing this weight.

Type of dancing

Answer: BALLET

BALLET” fits perfectly as it denotes a classical form of dance characterized by its formalized steps, intricate movements, and expressive gestures. It’s also a well-known and widely practiced form of dance around the world.

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