Irish Daily Mail Mailword Large Crossword (April 27)

The Irish Daily Mail Mailword Large offers a larger grid and more clues for a more extensive solving session. The clues featured in this crossword are about various topics, designed to test your knowledge and puzzle-solving abilities. Our answers and detailed explanations  will assist you in completing today’s puzzle.

Steep rock (4)


A “crag” is defined as a steep or rugged cliff or rock face. The clue directly describes this geological feature, and “CRAG” is the straightforward and correct for a steep rock.

Overtook (6)


“Caught” can refer to having overtaken or caught up with someone or something, especially in a chase or race. It fits as an because to catch up or overtake means to reach or pass someone who was ahead. While slightly more commonly used to mean captured or ensnared, it can also mean overtaking in broader contexts.

Theatrical company (6)


A “troupe” is a group of actors or performers who work together, typically in the context of theater. This directly aligns with “theatrical company,” making it the appropriate term for a group engaged in performing arts.

Areas of land (7)


“Estates” refers to large areas of land owned by a single entity or individual, often composed of various properties. It can also pertain to extensive housing areas or developments. This definition directly matches the clue, which asks for a term describing significant land areas.

Texan tycoons (6)


Texas is well-known for its oil industry, and “oilmen” are individuals who are involved in the exploration, production, or management of oil wells and oil production facilities. “Oilmen” thus aptly describes tycoons, particularly those from Texas, who made their fortunes in the oil business.

Make an appearance, informally (4,1,3)


“Show a leg” is an informal phrase often used to suggest that someone should get out of bed or make an appearance. It originates from a nautical term used to ensure that the sailors sleeping on board were waking up for duty. Daily Mail Mailword Large. The phrase fits well with the clue, reflecting a colloquial way of saying to appear or get up.

Flying saucer (1,1,1)


“UFO” stands for Unidentified Flying Object, which is often colloquially referred to as a flying saucer. The abbreviation fits the format provided in the clue (1,1,1), indicating three initials.

Money owing (4)


“Debt” refers directly to money that is owed or due. It’s a straightforward to the clue asking for a four-letter word that describes financial liabilities or money owing.

Vladimir Nabokov novel (3)


“Ada” is a novel by Vladimir Nabokov, titled “Ada, or Ardor: A Family Chronicle.” The clue specifically asks for a three-letter novel by Nabokov, making “Ada” the correct and direct.

Golf stick (4)


In golf, the instruments used to hit the balls are called “clubs.” This term is widely recognized and matches the clue asking for a four-letter word referring to a golf stick.

Shielded at sea (4)


“Alee” is a nautical term used to refer to the side of a ship that is sheltered from the wind, providing a form of shielding at sea. The fits well with the clue, which hints at protection or being shielded while aboard.

Influence (4)


“Wire” in this context is likely used metaphorically to describe someone who has significant influence or control, possibly akin to pulling strings or having connections (as in being wired into networks or systems). It’s a slightly more abstract use of the word but aligns well with the notion of exercising influence.

Nativity monarch (5)


King Herod is famously known in the context of the Nativity story, particularly from the Bible, where he is depicted as the ruler who ordered the Massacre of the Innocents in an attempt to kill the newborn Jesus. Thus, Daily Mail Mailword Large, Herod is the “Nativity monarch” referenced in the clue.

Grasped (4)


The provided here, “SEEN,” is typically understood as being visually observed, but “grasped” in a more metaphorical sense often refers to understanding or comprehension. If we consider “grasped” as perceived or understood, “seen” could fit, but typically “seen” might not be the best fit for “grasped” without more context. A more fitting for “grasped” might be “HELD” or “GOT.”

London arts centre (4)


The Tate is a network of four major art galleries in the UK, including two prominent locations in London: Tate Britain and Tate Modern. These galleries are significant centers for art in London, making “TATE” the correct .

Sports arbitrator (3)


“REF” is short for referee, who is the official in sports games responsible for ensuring the rules are followed and making decisions on play. “REF” is a direct and concise to this clue.

Acquires (7)


The “PERUSES” generally means to read or examine something carefully. However, it doesn’t align with the usual meaning of “acquires,” which is to obtain or come into possession of something. A better to “acquires” might be “OBTAINS” or “GETS.”

Advantage (7)


The “LICENSE” does not typically mean “advantage” in a direct sense. Instead, “license” refers to the official permission to do something. A more common synonym for “advantage” could be “BENEFIT” or “LEVERAGE.” It seems there might be a misunderstanding or misprint in the clue-answer pairing unless using a very contextual or idiomatic interpretation where having a “license” in a situation could be considered an advantage.

Sincere (7)


The word “natural” is often used to describe something that is inherent or not artificial, aligning with the concept of sincerity. When someone or something is described as “natural,” it implies a lack of pretense or affectation, thus being genuine or sincere. The term aligns well with the essence of sincerity.

Innocuous (7)


The “SQUARED” does not typically align with the word “innocuous,” which means harmless or not likely to offend. There might be a mix-up or error in this clue-answer pairing. A more fitting word for “innocuous” could be “HARMLESS” or “BENIGN.” “Squared” usually refers to something being multiplied by itself or making something conform to a standard, and does not convey the meaning of being harmless or non-

Aquatic organ (3)


A fin is a distinctive organ found on various aquatic animals, including fish and marine mammals. It aids in swimming and navigating through water. The clue directly refers to this common aquatic feature, making “FIN” a straightforward and correct answer.

Post-WWII alliance (4)


NATO stands for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, an intergovernmental military alliance between North American and European countries established post-World War II in 1949. The clue refers to this well-known international alliance, and “NATO” is the precise and relevant answer.

Wall’s lower part (4)


A dado is a term used in architecture and carpentry, referring to the lower part of a wall, often finished differently from the upper section, sometimes with paneling or a different type of material. It is typically a protective and decorative feature. The clue fits perfectly with this specific architectural feature.

Male admirers (5)


“Beaux” is the plural form of “beau,” which is a term used to describe a woman’s male lover or admirer. Originating from French, where it means handsome, the term has been adopted in English to denote male admirers or boyfriends, fitting the clue perfectly.

Muslim cleric (4)


An “Imam” is a title for a Muslim leader, often used to refer to a leader of mosque prayers or a religious leader in the Muslim community. The term is concise and directly matches the definition required by the clue, making it a straightforward and accurate answer.

Went by plane (4)


“Flew” is the past tense of “fly,” meaning to travel through the air by aeroplane. This term directly addresses the clue regarding traveling by plane, encapsulating the action succinctly.

— Ora, singer (4)


Rita Ora is a well-known singer and songwriter, and “Rita” fills the blank appropriately as the first name of the singer referred to in the clue. This answer is straightforward, Daily Mail Mailword Large, relying on the solver’s knowledge of popular culture.

Cry (3)


The word “bay” can refer to several meanings, but in the context of making a sound, it particularly refers to the cry made by animals such as dogs or wolves. It can also describe a broad outcry or shout by a group, aligning well with the clue’s request for a term describing a form of crying.

Pretentious nonsense, informally (4)


“Blah” is a colloquial expression used to refer to trivial, obvious, or meaningless talk; essentially, it’s nonsense. Often used informally, it perfectly matches the description of “pretentious nonsense” in an informal tone, making it an apt answer to the clue.

Undeviating routine (3)


A “rut” refers to a fixed, unchanging pattern or routine, often implying monotony or a lack of variation. It aligns perfectly with the clue’s description of an undeviating routine, making “RUT” the suitable answer.

Polynesian dance (4,4)


The Hula is a traditional Polynesian dance, particularly associated with Hawaiian culture. The repetition of “HULA” in the answer emphasizes the dance’s significance in Polynesian culture, providing a precise description of the dance form.

Dark and gloomy (6)


“Sombre” is a term used to describe something that is dark, gloomy, or melancholic in nature. It perfectly fits the description of being dark and gloomy, providing an accurate answer to the clue.

Entertains (7)


To “please” someone means to entertain or give them satisfaction or enjoyment. It matches the clue’s description of entertaining, making “PLEASES” an appropriate answer.

Teem (6)


“Drench” means to soak or saturate completely with liquid, typically implying a large quantity of something overflowing or abundant, similar to the concept of teeming with water. However, “drench” doesn’t directly correspond to the meaning of “teem” as being full or swarming with something. A more appropriate answer for “teem” might be “ABOUND” or “SWARM.”

Upholstered seat (6)


A “settee” is a type of upholstered seat with a back and arms, designed for seating multiple people. It accurately describes an upholstered seat, making “SETTEE” the correct answer.

Capsules (4)


“Caps” is a shortened form of “capsules,” which are small containers, typically made of gelatin, enclosing a dose of medicine or a dietary supplement. It directly corresponds to the clue’s request for a word describing capsules.

Hue (6)


“Chroma” is a term used in color theory to describe the intensity or purity of a color, often referred to as its saturation or brightness. While it describes an aspect of color, it doesn’t typically equate to the word “hue,” which specifically refers to a color or shade. A more fitting answer for “hue” might be “TINCT” or simply “COLOR.”

Peculiar (3)


“One” is a numerical term, typically referring to the number 1. It doesn’t directly correspond to the meaning of “peculiar,” which means strange or unusual. A more suitable answer for “peculiar” might be “ODD” or “WEIRD.”

Copied (4)


“SOLD” does not typically mean “copied.” This seems to be a mismatch or error in the clue-answer pairing. A more appropriate answer to “Copied” might be “APED” or “COPY.” “SOLD” generally refers to the action of selling something, which doesn’t relate to copying.

Unit of heredity (4)


A “gene” is the basic physical and functional unit of heredity. Genes are made up of DNA and act as instructions to make molecules called proteins. This directly matches the clue, making “GENE” the correct and fitting answer.

Grinding instrument (6)


A pestle is a heavy tool with a rounded end, used in conjunction with a mortar for grinding substances. Typically used in cooking or pharmacy, Daily Mail Mailword Large, a pestle is precisely the kind of grinding instrument described in the clue, making it the appropriate answer.

Silvery colour (3)


“ASH” can refer to a silvery-gray color, reminiscent of the color of ash produced by burning wood. It’s a suitable response for a clue indicating a silvery color, as “ash” in the context of color refers to the pale gray tone of ashes.

Unhearing (5,4)


“Stone deaf” is a term used to describe profound deafness, meaning a complete inability to hear. This phrase figuratively uses “stone” to emphasize total or absolute deafness, fitting the clue for being completely unhearing perfectly.

Horror film franchise (3)


“SAW” is the title of a popular horror film franchise known for its psychological twists and graphic depictions of traps and moral tests. The answer perfectly fits the clue as it directly refers to the name of the horror franchise.

Expected time (1,1,1)


“ETA” stands for Estimated Time of Arrival. It is often used to indicate the expected time at which a vehicle, person, or shipment is to arrive at a specific location. The format (1,1,1) aligns with the acronym ETA, making it a succinct and appropriate answer.

U.S. state (8)


Maryland is a state located in the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States. The answer is straightforward, providing the name of the U.S. state that matches the given length of eight letters.

One of the senses (5)


“TOUCH” is one of the five traditional senses attributed to humans, which involves the physical act of coming into contact with something to perceive its texture, temperature, and other physical properties. It correctly fits the clue asking for a sense.

Plunder (5)


“PROWL” generally refers to moving stealthily or roaming over an area, often in search of something, usually implying predatory behavior. While it implies a sense of hunting or searching through stealth, the more fitting words for “plunder” would be “LOOT” or “RAID,” which directly involve taking goods by force. Thus, “PROWL” doesn’t exactly fit “plunder” in its typical use, unless we consider a broader, more figurative meaning.

Tranquillises (7)


“SEDATES” directly refers to the action of administering sedatives or calming someone to a state of calm or sleep. It perfectly matches the clue which describes the action of making tranquil or less active.

Happiest (6)


Historically, “gay” described feelings of being carefree or happy. “Gayest” would then mean the most happy or joyful, fitting the clue asking for the superlative form of a term denoting the highest degree of happiness.

Expression of contempt (3)


“PAH” is an exclamation used to express contempt or disdain. It’s a verbal way to dismiss something as worthless or insignificant, fitting perfectly as an expression of contempt.

Tedium (7)


“Routine” refers to a sequence of actions regularly followed; it can become monotonous and tedious when repeated too frequently without change. This aligns well with the clue asking for a term that describes tedium, as routines often lead to a feeling of boredom due to their repetitive nature.

Otherwise (4)


“Then” is often used to indicate a subsequent action in a statement, but in a broader sense, it can suggest an alternative scenario or condition (“if not this, then that”), implying “otherwise.” This interpretation fits as a more contextual understanding of “otherwise.”

Unexpected event (7)


“Stunner” typically describes something or someone extremely impressive or surprising. In the context of an event, it refers to something unexpectedly impressive or surprising, making it a fitting answer for a clue that describes an unexpected event.

Challenge (4)


“Mock” generally means to tease or laugh at in a scornful or contemptuous manner. However, as an answer to “challenge,” it’s not a typical match unless considering a situation where “mock” is used to challenge someone’s ideas or capabilities indirectly through ridicule. The traditional sense of challenge would be better captured by words like “dare” or “test.”

Criticise (4,5)


“Find fault” is a phrase used to describe the action of identifying flaws or mistakes, which directly involves criticism. It captures the essence of the clue, as to criticize often entails pointing out what is wrong or lacking in someone or something.

Cradle (4)


The term “seat” can metaphorically refer to a foundation or a starting point, much like a cradle is used as a starting place or protective resting spot for a baby. While “seat” generally means a place to sit, in the context of a broader metaphor, Daily Mail Mailword Large, it can symbolize a supportive structure, akin to the supportive and protective role of a cradle.

Exile (6)


An “outlaw” is someone who has been declared outside the protection of the law, effectively making them an exile within their own society. This term historically refers to someone not just criminalized but also ostracized from community and legal protections, aligning well with the concept of being exiled.

Charm (7)


“Glamour” conveys an alluring beauty or charm that can be enchanting, often with a sense of enhanced attractiveness or magical appeal. It perfectly encapsulates the concept of charm, adding a layer of fascination or appeal that is beyond ordinary beauty.

Dignitaries (8)


“Magnates” refers to wealthy and influential individuals, particularly in business or industry. As dignitaries, these individuals are people of high rank, power, or influence within their sectors, making the term an appropriate match for the clue, which requires a description of persons with significant stature or authority.

Duck (4)


In addition to being a water bird, “duck” is also a verb meaning to quickly lower the head or body to avoid a blow or to not be seen. “Dive” in this context refers to a sudden movement downward, similar to ducking, making it a fitting response to the clue.

Cheapen (6)


“Lessen” means to make or become less; to reduce. In the context of the clue, “cheapen” can imply reducing the value or quality of something, thus making “lessen” a suitable answer for diminishing the worth or impact of an item or idea.

Screech, e.g. (3)


This clue uses the word “screech” to hint at a type of owl known as the screech owl. It’s a clever use of a specific trait (the screeching sound) to indicate the bird itself.

Commercial aircraft (6)


“Airbus” is a prominent manufacturer of commercial aircraft, known globally for its range of planes used by various airlines. The answer directly fits the description of a well-known commercial aircraft.

Complete reversal (1,4)


A “U-turn” is a driving maneuver used to reverse direction completely, often turning 180 degrees on a road. This term perfectly encapsulates the concept of a complete reversal mentioned in the clue.

Satisfied (5)


“Jaded” usually means worn out or dulled by overexposure or excess, which can imply a state where one no longer feels satisfaction from activities that once provided pleasure due to too much repetition. It’s a more nuanced take on “satisfied,” suggesting a state beyond satisfaction to the point of apathy or lack of excitement.

Deadline initials (1,1,1,1)


“ASAP” stands for “As Soon As Possible,” a term frequently used to indicate urgency and the need for quick action, typically in scenarios involving deadlines. This abbreviation directly addresses the concept of urgency conveyed by the term “deadline.”

Vagrant (4)


A “hobo” is typically a term used to describe a homeless person who travels from place to place, often by hitching rides on freight trains, and does not have a permanent home or job. This matches the description of a vagrant, who is generally someone who wanders and lives without a fixed home.

Epoch (3)


An “epoch” represents a significant period in history or a person’s life; however, in a broader or more poetic sense, it can refer to any substantial period, even as short as a day. This might seem a bit stretched since “epoch” generally denotes much longer periods, so “DAY” as an answer suggests a very micro view of the term.

Headwear item (3)


A “cap” is a common type of headwear, typically worn for casual or sportive occasions. It fits comfortably on the head and is characterized by a peak or visor. This direct definition makes “CAP” the appropriate answer for the clue.

— Evans, comedian (3)


Lee Evans is a well-known British comedian, known for his energetic style and physical humor. The clue references this specific person by his first name, making “LEE” the correct answer.

Government department (1,1,1)


“MOD” stands for the Ministry of Defence, a government department responsible for implementing the defense policy set by the government, Daily Mail Mailword Large, and is the headquarters of the British Armed Forces. The abbreviation directly fits the clue referring to a government department responsible for defe

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